Perspective on Counseling
I recently went to a local craft store, Hobby Lobby with the intention of finding a pedestal cake plate stand. Immediately I was bombarded with the color of fall and aroma of spices and candles. There were rows and rows and bins and shelving overflowing with color: bright oranges, yellows and browns and packed with every decorating gadget one would ever need or want. From bowls to burlap the ideas were endless. I continued to wander – next came the Christmas isles to which I just couldn’t go there…it’s 90 degrees outside, it just didn’t feel right.
So I aimlessly continue to walk in and around, up and down each isle hoping to see the cake stand that I had envisioned. Finally after about 20 minutes, I see one but it’s not quite right (to me), so I tell myself “Debbie why don’t you stop and ask an employee.” “you are wasting valuable time.” On the very next isle, is an employee putting out new stock. I ask her. Well not only did she stop what she was doing; she escorted me to different areas while asking specific questions to narrow down our search. She stopped and said “Look up, is this what you are looking for?” Wow! I immediately started perusing the isles looking up. My goodness there were so many cake stands – galvanized or shiny, wooden, painted every color, frilly, rustic, country, sleek, the choices seemed to be endless.
I thought and even said aloud to the employee, “Wow, what a difference when you look up!” She smiled and I said “that’ll preach!” Amen.
Then I realized that every row had merchandise on the top of the shelving. THERE WAS A LOT OF MERCHANDISE. I found myself perusing every row but this time, with different direction and purpose and… looking up.
How many times and how often do we pointlessly walk around looking and searching without direction and our heads buried? How often do we do the ‘same ole’ same ole’’? Probably, most likely it is because it’s comfortable, it is because it’s what we know, it is familiar.
What would it look like for you to?
- Stop and evaluate
- Stop and ask questions
- Be able to clarify and articulate what it is you desire/want
- Be willing to be guided and/or teachable
- Be willing to actually follow through?
Serious questions I know….but perhaps worthy of consideration. I realize this may involve recognition, may involve admission, and may involve vulnerability. BUT wow…consider what you may FIND, what you may REALIZE, what you may ENCOUNTER, and what you may SEE and maybe more importantly what you may see in need of change?
Counseling can help you re-evaluate. Counseling can help you ask and perhaps answer important questions. Counseling can help redirect your life. Call me today!